Cosa è e a cosa mi serve

ISEE Università

The ISEE indicator is used to assess the economic situation of a family unit in order to allow access to various types of concessions and benefits. These benefits can be both nation-wide and local-wide for Municipalities and Regions. In fact, ISEE means Indicator of the Equivalent Economic Situation.

The assessment is carried out on the income and assets of each member of the family unit and is based on specific parameters for the purpose for which the ISEE is to be used. There are different types of ISEE which, out of curiosity, we list, but of which to us now affects the last:

  • Standard or ordinary ISEE to request generic services (e.g. gas and / or electricity bonus, social card, family allowance with three children, etc.);
  • ISEE for minors to request services for minors with unmarried and non-cohabiting parents (eg: nursery rates, good books, school canteens, etc.);
  • Socio-sanitary ISEE to request services for adults with disabilities / handicaps (e.g. home services, etc.);
  • ISEE socio-sanitary for residences needed to request services for adults with disabilities in case of hospitalization in social and health care residences – RSA, RSSA, protected residences;
  • Current ISEE provided for those who already have a valid ISEE and can obtain a replacement ISEE, defined as “current”, because it is calculated on the basis of an updated economic situation;
  • University ISEE to request services for university students (e.g. scholarships, university fees, collaborations, etc.)

The University ISEE is necessary in order to access concessions such as scholarships, accommodation and canteen services, but also to obtain the reduction or exemption of university fees.

The difference between the Ordinary ISEE and the University ISEE rely on how the condition, or not, of independence is assessed for the request for university services. This evaluation is made on the basis of income and housing autonomy criteria.